A company based in Selibe Phikwe with exclusive rights to the Cementitious Structurally Insulated Panels, a new construction technology from China. According to the MoU CITF would train people in the construction of houses using this new technology.
A company based in Selibe Phikwe with exclusive rights to the Cementitious StructuralLY Insulated Panels, a new construction technology from China. According to the MoU CITF would train people in the construction of houses using this new techonology
This MoU is aimed at Strengthening Capacities of Local Communities in Building and Construction Competencies. It is part of Debswana’s CSR initiatives and includes empowering local communities to undertake micro building contracts by training and certifying them in cases where they have prior knowledge that is not documented.
This partnership with BITRI involves the training of craftsmen in biogas technology to enable individuals and local authorities to construct biogas digesters in an effort to promote the use biogas in mitigation of excessive harvest and use of firewood.
St. Gobain is an international company specializing in the manufacture of dry-walling and partitioning products. The scope of the agreement is to promote skills development in the use of the above products through strategic collaborations. The MoU covers the support of industry in Botswana to build up a pool of skilled personnel in drywall installation and partitioning.
This agreement is more of an exchange programme whereby construction engineering learners from GUC could benefit from CITF’s 80% skills based training programmes as they progress through their studies.
This agreement, entered into between the Government of Botswana, through the Ministry of Employment, Labour Productivity, and Skills Development (MELSD), with CITF being the implementing entity. Under the partnership, engineering training programmes that include Programmable Logic Controls (PLC), Hydraulics, and Mechatronics are offered to Batswana with financial and technical assistance from VDMA.