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CITF was established under Section 25 of the Finance and Audit Act (Cap.54:01) as Special Fund, through Statutory Instrument No 139 of 1991 and a Board was also established to administer the Fund. Instrument No 139 of 1991 and a Board was also established to administer the Fund.

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Gaborone Main Centre

This is the main training Centre where potential trainees are screened and trained. The Centre caters for building and allied industries including Government departments and unemployed individuals mainly school leavers. Government departments and unemployed individuals mainly school leavers.

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Satellite Centers

A section of the CITF training department charged with responsibility of skills training to the contractors on-site or closer to the site on temporary basis until the manpower needs of the contractors are met, and relocate to other parts of the country where the needs have been identified for such skills training.

Providers of service excellence

We are committed to proactively meet the skills needs of the building and allied industries by offering Responsive Competency Based Individualized Modular Training opportunities to Batswana to be skilled.

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Quality of training to meet the set industry standards is CITF’s focus and corner stone

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