CITF was established under Section 25 of the Finance and Audit Act (Cap.54:01) as Special Fund, through Statutory Instrument No 139 of 1991 and a Board was also established to administer the Fund. The Construction Industry Trust Fund main focus is on training semi-skilled and skilled artisans in the vocations of Building, Construction, Manufacturing, Engineering, Agriculture and other trades needed to diversify the economy. Its chosen method used in training is Competency Based Modular Training Programme which is a unique training designed to alleviate shortage of skilled manpower within various sector industries. The CITF mandate supports the broader ministry strategy by rapidly producing the skills required to meet the large demands arising from proposed and on- going projects within the country.
CITF was established as a special fund under section 25 of the Finance and Audit Act (CAP54:01). It was inaugurated on the 13th December 1991 through the Statutory Instrument No. 139 of 1991. The need for the formation of the fund was generated by a critical shortage of semi-skilled and skilled artisans to handle the large amount of work during NDP 6. CITF was established as a centre for crash-course training using Competency Based Modular Training (CBMT) for training and upgrading the skills of artisans to meet the demands and challenges posed by the building and construction industry.
The Statutory Instrument No. 139 of 1991 was amended by Statutory Instrument No 79 of 1994 which stipulated that “the financial of the training program-me will be such sums of money as may from time to time be appropriated by Parliament and the levy shall be paid directly into the Consolidated Fund”.
The amendment of paragraph 3, “The purpose of the Fund is to finance a skills training program-me to produce semi-skilled and skilled Botswana to be artisans or craftsmen such as bricklayers, carpenters, painters and plasterers in the building, construction and allied industries”
To be the best in the provision of service excellence.
We are committed to proactively meet the skills needs of the building and allied industries by offering Responsive Competency Based Individualized Modular Training opportunities to Botswana to be skilled.
We commit ourselves to:
This is the main training Centre where potential trainees are screened and trained. The Centre caters for building and allied industries including Government departments and unemployed individuals mainly school leavers.
(CBMT) is the training methodology used for skills training programmes. This system is more of a crash training and geared towards producing a semi-skilled artisan within a reasonably short period of time.
The MTU shall mean a section of CITF training department charged with responsibility of skills training to the contractors on-site or closer to the site on temporary basis until the manpower needs of the contractors are met, and relocate to other parts of the country where the needs have been identified for such skills training.
The main criteria for establishing MTU is that first there should be a major building and construction project planned and approved for the area and an apparent shortage of building skills in the locality where the project is carried out has to be evidenced.